Fishing is a well loved pastime that is enjoyed by millions. Fishing can be a relaxing way to find enjoyment, but the most recreational of fishing trips can still benefit from a little helpful advice. The following article will give…
Author: admin
The Link Between Regular Exercise And Reduction Of Panic Attacks
It can be a hassle and bummer to deal with panic attacks. If you suffer from chronic panic attacks, they can make your life very difficult, and you may feel trapped. This is not true at all! These tips can…
The Best Ways To Help Your Body Rid Itself Of Troublesome Yeast
Are you dealing with an annoying yeast infection? Are you being driven crazy by the unrelenting burning and itching? Well, this is the right place to find relief! The article below contains what you need to know about treating your…
Grow A Lovely Organic Garden With These Tips
Starting an organic garden is a smart step in creating a healthier diet. You will have to put in some time and energy to be successful in this venture, however. This may make you wonder how you can begin to…
Credit Repair Tips You Ought To Read
You can feel like the bad guy if you have bad credit. It can be hard to move on with life when a negative credit score is always following you throughout your endeavors. Don’t despair, there are ways you can…
Take Pictures Like A Pro With These Easy Tips
Photography is a real art form, and a pretty demanding one; the best results require highly-refined skills together with innate talent. Which is not to say that photography is beyond your grasp; you just have to be ready to learn…
How To Grow Your Article Marketing Business
Being on the cutting edge in regards to your marketing methods is essential especially when you are marketing online. New marketing strategies demand that you have the right information at hand. There are always new things to know when you’re…
Home Business Tips That Will Help You Make More Money
Home businesses offer an opportunity to boost your salary or create a full-time opportunity. If you wish to dedicate the time to making the business successful, then it’s a great investment. Read on for some helpful tips on creating your…
Getting Ready For A Baby? Read This Pregnancy Advice!
Pregnancy can be a wonderful time or it can be a struggle. You do have some choice in how you manage your pregnancy. That said, a bit of knowledge can help. Keep reading to learn how to make your pregnancy…
什麼是物理治療 (Physiotherapy)?
物理治療 (Physiotherapy) 是處理身體痛症的其中一項非藥物及非入侵性的療法,不需打針、食藥、做手術。 專業物理治療師團隊會以專業手法及儀器,為你提供最合適的物理治療服務。常見痛症:運動創傷、椎間盤突出、牙骹痛、手腕痛、五十肩等。 根據對服務接受者的評估,物理治療師會使用多種物理治療技術,針對局部關節或全身性的功能障礙,應用適當的治療方式來緩解患者的身體不適和疼痛,並盡可能地恢復其生理功能,從而提高其生活品質。 物理治療方法最主要包含三大類別,包括手法治療 (Manual Therapy)、儀器治療 (Modalities Therapy)、運動治療 (Movement Therapy)。 物理治療師最重要的精髓是講求臨床判斷的能力,簡單來說是治療師能透過人體解剖學、動作分析等,繼而判斷病人的痛症問題是由於身體上那個組織出現問題。只要有一個正確的治療方向,配合治療師不同的手法治療及儀器治療,繼而在家中輔而適當的運動治療,自然能解決身體上的痛症問題。